Mayor Proposes Plan for Easier Demolition of Rent Controlled Housing

The following information was released on September 15, 2023 by the San Francisco Tenants Union: The “Constraint Reduction” legislation is sponsored by Mayor Breed, Joel Engardio, and Matt Dorsey.  The legislation is being sold as a way to speed up housing production by eliminating planning staff review to make many permits automatic with no public objection allowed. It streamlines demolition … Read post

Learn About SF’s New Housing Inventory

This article was provided to us by the San Francisco Rent Board. SAN FRANCISCO, CA – There is an important development in San Francisco’s housing landscape with the implementation of a comprehensive housing inventory implemented by the San Francisco Rent Board. The purpose of the housing inventory is to maintain an accurate record of San Francisco’s residential housing stock. A … Read post

Freeway Commemoration Project Update

A quick note We’ve been asked if there are any new developments or details to share on the Freeway Commemoration Project. Here are our observations on what is unfolding as the red flags 🚩 🚩🚩 continue to persist. 2. Leadership conflicts of interest continue with HVNA and HVMA’s presidents at the helm. 3. To date we have submitted 3 disclosure … Read post

Takeaways from MOCAC Meeting (6.21.22) part 8

Takeaways from MOCAC Meeting (6.21.22) …the Freeway Commemoration Project continued Representatives of HVSafe attended Tuesday’s MOCAC Meeting. The Freeway Commemoration Project was item 4 on the agenda. Below are bullet points of what was shared at this meeting. We remain steadfast in keeping you informed of developments of this looming project which will impact Hayes Valley while we continue to … Read post

Suggestions to Combat Traffic Congestion in Hayes Valley

Richard recently attended a meeting put on by SFCTA. We’re sharing his comments about ways to combat the multitude of traffic issues in Hayes Valley. Many of these thoughts have been shared with City Agencies while we’ve been working on Traffic Calming Issues for the neighborhood. We believe that ‘long game’ remedies need to be put into place which Richard … Read post