Material references:
Expenditures IPIC
Buchanan Mall Presentation
Hayes Street Closure Presentation
MOHCD Presentation
Representatives of HVSafe attended last month’s MOCAC Meeting. Above are the listed items that were presented. The item of most interest to us was the presentation regarding the Hayes Street Closure by Andrew Seigner. Worth noting, the conflict of interest and over reach by the HVNA was remarkably evident: the presenter Andrew Seigner is a HVNA board member, the closed street permit holder and MOCAC committee member. Andrew is also pushing a petition for a permanent closure on Hayes under the title Hayes Promenade. He walked us through his presentation and vision to have Hayes Street be like Barcelona. 🚩🚩🚩Most puzzling was his lack of reference of how the closure impacts neighbors or small independent operators. He touted his petition, endorsements and stated that he was seeking an endorsement for a permanent closure by MOCAC at their next committee hearing.
We’ll keep you posted on further developments.