Freeway Commemoration Project Update

A quick note We’ve been asked if there are any new developments or details to share on the Freeway Commemoration Project. Here are our observations on what is unfolding as the red flags 🚩 🚩🚩 continue to persist. 2. Leadership conflicts of interest continue with HVNA and HVMA’s presidents at the helm. 3. To date we have submitted 3 disclosure … Read post

Takeaways from MOCAC Meeting (6.21.22) part 8

Takeaways from MOCAC Meeting (6.21.22) …the Freeway Commemoration Project continued Representatives of HVSafe attended Tuesday’s MOCAC Meeting. The Freeway Commemoration Project was item 4 on the agenda. Below are bullet points of what was shared at this meeting. We remain steadfast in keeping you informed of developments of this looming project which will impact Hayes Valley while we continue to … Read post