A quick note

We’ve been asked if there are any new developments or details to share on the Freeway Commemoration Project.

Here are our observations on what is unfolding as the red flags 🚩 🚩🚩 continue to persist.

  1. In reviewing the slide deck that was presented in the recent Summer MOCAC meeting we continue to be taken aback by the scope and magnitude of what this project continues to morph into. We see now that the project price tag has increased substantially!

2. Leadership conflicts of interest continue with HVNA and HVMA’s presidents at the helm.

3. To date we have submitted 3 disclosure requests on this matter: 2 in 2021 and 1 this year. An order of determination against Rich Hillis and the Planning Commission was issued on June 7, 2023 for failing to respond to our requests in 2021 in a timely and/or complete manner.

4. To date we have not received an update from any City Agency about this project.

5. We’ve been in regular communications about this matter with the Supervisor’s Office.

A few more updates are forthcoming.

next post: part 10

Project update

Read all our posts on this project

Want to get up to speed on this history? Thanks to our coalition we have a chock-full of information.

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