Slashed Tires on Ivy Street
This early am 5 cars parked on the 400 block of Ivy had their car tires slashed. We’ve alerted Northern Station. If you hear or see anything please get in touch with us. Thank you. updated 8.27.22
Neighborhood tree issues.
This early am 5 cars parked on the 400 block of Ivy had their car tires slashed. We’ve alerted Northern Station. If you hear or see anything please get in touch with us. Thank you. updated 8.27.22
In response to our initial inquiry posted here, we have received the following update from an Urban Forestry Inspector regarding the status of this matter. Our recent walks in the business corridor verify that the condition of the light installation remains the same. We’ll keep you posted on any progress on this front.
We’ve received several inquiries about wire installations seen overhead along Hayes and Gough Street. Workers informed those inquiring that Lloyd Silverstein has them under contract. We’re drilling down on the matter. Highlights of the tree issues via images Communication with Llloyd Silverstein and Urban Forestry
There is an un-housed man making deep cuts into the bark of the remaining trees on Octavia Boulevard. He is camped on the East sidewalk between Haight and Page Street. He is harmless but has been observed with a hunting knife in hand. This matter has been ongoing for approximately 4 weeks. He has been approached and neighbors have cited … Read post