We are a neighborhood group which sprouted during the summer of 2020 while our community faced several challenges during COVID. Challenging times do in fact harness community spirit and drive.
Our organization formed in large part out of necessity because our voices were not being heard. As we tired of predetermined outcomes and controlled decisions by one neighborhood association which has resulted in consequential quality of life and economic challenges for neighbors and small businesses we knew it was time to activate a new coalition to ensure a broader reach of civic engagement.
Our ethos: effective community advocacy relies on understanding the change you want. Steps in getting there include understanding your community, collaborating, organizing, building coalitions and pushing the boundaries on possibilities.
Our guiding principals of civic engagement are our compass as we navigate through San Francisco’s complex civics and neighborhood politics.
You can check out our advocacy focus areas here.
If you are motivated to make an impact or see a need for change sign up here to get involved.
Visit our FAQ’s for more information.
HVSafe is unique in that we do not collect funding; we are 100% a volunteer organization.