Skateboard Sign and Ramps at Patricia’s Green

LAST UPDATE: December 21st

We were prompted of a skateboard sign and ramps newly installed at Patricia’s Green. The sign installation was captured on Twitter.

Definitely not a sign Public Works would post there. That’s not a Public Works employee. We don’t have unmarked white hardhats like that and there is no logo on the vest. This is some classic monkeywrenching going on. A continuation of what’s been taking place with the rogue skate ramps along Octavia Blvd adjacent to construction zones.

Spring has sprung. I will forward this … and maybe folks can make this person famous?

– DPW (in response to our inquiry about the sign)

We appreciate DPW’s quick response and sense of humor 🙂

We will keep you posted.

Update October 22nd
We’re still in communications about this issue. Apparently there’s confusion about what jurisdiction these ramps fall under. Kinda sad what is happening with the trees. See the progression here.

Update December 21st
We have received reports that the skate ramps are back at Patricia’s Green. We’re still in communications about this issue.