Bike Station on Grove

An insight on process

Neighbors reported in on July 15th that a new bike station had been installed on Grove and Laguna. We checked in with the Bikeshare Manager at SFMTA…here’s what he said:

The Laguna/Grove station was recently relocated from Fulton/Laguna due to construction needs related to the incoming paving project. Once the electrical and paving work is complete at the original location, this will move back. The anticipated timeline for paving is 3-4months.


We also drilled down to better understand the process behind the installation of these bike stations – as little or next to nothing has been made public at the community level while a faction of neighbors are getting increasingly frustrated with the removal of parking spaces. We are sharing this information because we believe it’s pertinent for the community to understand that community representation on these fronts have been controlled by the HVNA (an active pursuit we’re striving to change course of).

A packet was shared with us to help us better understand the history. After a careful review here was our response:

Our review of the legislation packet you provided underscores the lack of inclusiveness by the HVNA organization. Interestingly enough, during the timeline when Gail (who was not a HVNA board member in January 2020) was coordinating the bike rack at Fulton single-handedly… between the three of us being HVNA members at the time and one of us serving on the board and being the Communications Chair – we were all unaware of this initiative/development.


We’ll be meeting with SFMTA this fall on this topic. Stay tuned for more details.