April 10, 2024
Fundamentally the oversight for the Head West Market permit process is broken. A committee that was set up as a paradigm to expedite permits has in this case been hijacked by an event promoter – this is evident by the disregard to our opposition, repeated inquiries about process, and or organization’s lack of inclusion in the planning process.
Each hearing we wait our turn while we witness permits being approved for block parties, gatherings, etc. —- the goal of those permit requests are for neighbors to convene in public streets in the spirit of community. This is not the case for Head West, a money making formula event promoter that has found a way to capitalize on the vibrancy of our neighborhood.
Moreover when our small business operators underscore the financial harm this event inflicts on them with no course for an appeal we question whether the committee (consisting of appointed employees) is working in the best interest of the department or the Hayes Valley community. The fact that there is no ISCOTT committee representative whose responsibility it is to protect the concerns of our impacted community members, it’s our perspective that this process is unequivocally favoring the permit applicant.
Lloyd Silverstein/Hayes Valley Merchant Council
Lloyd does not represent the interest of our small independent businesses in Hayes Valley. City Agencies yielding to Lloyd as the sole representative/voice for the Hayes Valley business community is a detrimental practice. There’s a reason why two neighborhood groups formed during COVID … while his goals came to a head then.
Lloyd’s vision for Hayes Valley is counter to the sweat equity of our small independent businesses. You have received letters from many who operate a business on Hayes St and who live/own a home in Hayes Valley – this cannot be said about Lloyd.
It is because of Lloyd’s tendency to disallow, bully and threaten those who have a counter viewpoint to his, we have sought our own paths to have our voices heard. We’ve been advocating since 2020 to have an equal voice/seat at the table – not a lesser.
With respect to Lloyd being a recipient of funds/grants — he is not consulting with us/the broader community about the flow of monies or to whom he is beholden to – further compounding our concern of the exclusive relationship he has with Jimmy/Head West.
We demand in addition to denying this permit request that there be an immediate pause of any future permit dates in order to allow a formal review process. As is, we take issue with Jimmy breaking his commitment to our neighborhood to limit the event to 2x a year.
Thank you.