Per Dignity Moves:
As you are aware, the site is currently being used as a Safe Sleeping location with tents. DignityMoves and the City of San Francisco, supported by Tipping Point Community and Urban Alchemy, are planning to upgrade the site with a quick-build “cabin” community. This is an opportunity to enhance an already successful program with the added dignity of safe, warm, and private individual cabins.
We are hosting a courtesy informational session on September 20th at 5:30pm to share information about this project and answer any questions. The details are attached. We hope you can join us to learn more about this pilot project.
Meeting info: September 20th at 5:30pm
Zoom Link here:
Or One tap mobile : US: +16699009128,,82523067340# or +12532158782,,82523067340#
Phone: US: +1 669 900 9128 • Webinar ID: 825 2306 7340

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