Attention SFMTA:
We encourage you to maintain the 21 Hayes bus route. This is a life line for our neighborhood and a critical/essential route for our neighbors. Stopping its service would be to the detriment of those who rely on this bus line daily.
Hayes Valley is already burdened with too much traffic and needs serious traffic mitigation — for us, focus on “transit first” means having reliable bus services. The Hayes Street closure which has further worsened traffic on weekends needs to cease and the 21 needs to rerouted back on to Hayes St.
SFMTA is seemingly trying to increase squeezing the public instead of cutting overhead costs. You can save MUNI by making away with pet projects like a road block on Hayes that is resulting in staggering financial losses to our small businesses and investing in long term fiscally responsible transportation for San Franciscans.
Thank you.
Hayes Valley Safe