As we continue along with our outreach efforts since COVID we’ve been in awe of the great reception to our civic minded neighborhood advocacy efforts and approaches. We view ourselves as problem solvers. We’re here to connect with neighbors and small businesses to find common points of interests to current issues. Your concerns are our concerns and we view ourselves as facilitators to voice them with the City Agencies.
We live and conduct business in Hayes Valley Proper and together we experience the good and bad together. If there’s something happening on your block that is an issue, it’s likely our leadership circle will get a call or email and inevitably the next question is “what are WE going to do about this?” It is a WE situation. Unlike the HVNA we’re not advocating for the interests of a board body — we’re not advocating for real estate interests — and we’re not advocating for chainstore interests. Yes, in 2022 we feel it’s high time to admit that we are a counter and alternative voice to the other neighborhood group that with it’s decades hold on the neighborhood seemingly takes the position that they speak for all voices – when in fact they don’t.
When it comes to neighborhood representation, having more groups and coalitions who have been able to rally a group of collective voices is a good thing. It’s healthy for civic engagement to have various groups advocate.
If you have a concern or issue that you believe you and your neighbors in Hayes Valley Proper want to be engaged on let’s connect.